Sunday, September 4, 2011

Reality is Broken: Question

In the introduction of her book, where I suppose she is setting the premise of her book, I am quite unclear on her third idea of a proposed world that we should strive to live in.  I understand the two extremes of living in a world where you spend the majority of your life/time gaming and the other of living in a world where people, like the government, try to squelch so much gaming by making higher taxes on game or whatever to make the 1st world an unaffordable lifestyle.  Finally her proposal for a middle ground between the two extremes seems to put forth the idea living our real lives like gamers (pg 7).  So where I am confused is does she mean for us to go out in to the real world and live life imagining that we live in a game and that to get ahead we have to strategize to get to the next level (or maybe a world similar to the Matrix ??) or is she merely putting forth the idea that we should be applying ourselves to our real lives more the way we play in our virtual lives?

1 comment:

  1. On page 114 I think that McGonigal answers my question. She states " Games are showing us exactly what we want out of life: more satisfying work, better hope of success, stronger social connectivity, and the chance to be part of something teach us to see what really makes us happy--and how to become better versions of ourselves" so what i gathered from this is the intrinsic rewards we get out of gaming and things like stronger social connections and being a part of something bigger we should apply to our real lives and try to live with these values that we were taught/learned in the gaming world.
