Sunday, September 25, 2011

Here Comes Everybody

After reading the first few chapters in Clay Shirky’s book the only questions I had thus far stemmed from the case in the first chapter

1  Why wouldn’t Ivanna just have the first phone disabled if she had the information back from the phone company.  (and sidenote why would you only have your wedding plans in your phone?)
2  Yeah there probably were some ethical problems that came up with the website and what not but where do you turn to when the police wont help?

I like reading about cases and what the outcomes were and if there were ethical concerns. I am not sure if there are more scattered through out the reading but it was a pretty good hook to start the book. 

I also think the title is pretty interesting “The power of organizing without organizations”  Generally I think that most people like to participate and share things when it is on their own time, something they care about or when they want to have a voice and be heard.  I think this might be the point of his book but I guess I will have to read more to find out!

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