Monday, September 12, 2011

Arguing Reality

While I have a hard time seeing Jane McGonigal's point on many things, and it was a struggle to come up with, I was able to see her point, somewhat, about the benefits of games (however this was before she tried to justify saving the world by playing 10, 000+hours of World of Warcraft)
1. I can see how games can be good team building and motivating experiences and opportunities
2. I agree that games can satisfy one of our basic needs for happiness
3. Games are good mental stimulators--a workout of the mind
4. Games can promote a healthy competition and create bonds between family and friends
5. Games can make mundane activities go by faster

Where I think she lacks some is...
1. I cant see how sitting in a room playing W.o.W can cure obesity
2. How will playing a massive single player online game (what she talks about in the end) or playing an MMORPG in your room alone, help facilitate social interaction?
3. how will playing games help solve world hunger or poverty, perhaps if she gave more example or showed results or something it might help clarify
4. how will failing in the virtual world, where there are no consequences and you can regenerate a new life if you die, help us learn from our mistakes we make in the real world and how we deal with those consequences?
5. how will spending so much time online gaming affect the family/home life?

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