Monday, October 3, 2011

Henrry, Jenkinsss...

(in case you have never heard of Leroy Jenkins, that is what the title is referencing) 

What I gathered from Henry Jenkins' reading was that we are a collective culture that likes to remix things in our society and create new meaning.  Just like what i did with this title, I have changed the content to fit my need.  His example was with Star Wars and how culture has remixed it, spoofed it and parodied it.  People have taken this huge pop icon and added their unique take on it to be funny or make a point about something.  

I think this quote from his article sums up his point very well, "Technological convergence is attractive to the media industries because it will open multiple entry points into the consumption process and at the same time, enable consumers to more quickly locate new manifestations of a popular narrative."

After reading some of Lanier I got the feeling that he would be against this and he certainly has an opposite view of Shirky.  Though it seemed like he was against collectivism and remix I'm not really sure what he is for.  While I liked where some of his thoughts and points were going some of them seem to be just as scattered and broken as the stuff he is against.  

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